National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representatives Connolly and Fitzpatrick in support of H.R. 521, the “RETIRE Act”
S. 119, the “Abby Honold Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Senators Klobuchar and Cornyn in support of S. 119, the “Abby Honold Act”
H.R. 649, the “Abby Honold Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representatives Emmer and Kuster in support of H.R. 649, the “Abby Honold Act”
H.R. 483, the “Heroes Lesley Zerebny and Gilbert Vega First Responders Survivors Support Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representatives Ruiz and Fitzpatrick in support of H.R. 483, the “Heroes Lesley Zerebny and Gilbert Vega First Responders Survivors Support Act”
President Biden and sixteen Members of the Senate urging that the “Social Security Fairness Act” be incorporated into the COVID-19 relief bill
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to President Biden and sixteen Members of the Senate urging that the “Social Security Fairness Act” be incorporated into the COVID-19 relief bill
Administration to ensure expedited access to the vaccine for law enforcement officers
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to President Biden asking the Administration to ensure expedited access to the vaccine for law enforcement officers
The Blue View Podcast Playlist
The Blue View Podcast Presented by the National Fraternal Order of Police Law enforcement officers have one of the toughest and most dangerous jobs in the United States. The brave […]
FOP Receives DHS Secretary’s Partnership Award
Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, was surprised and pleased that the Fraternal Order of Police was awarded the DHS Secretary’s Partnership Award from Chad F. Wolf, Acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Gratitude to the men and women of the DC Metropolitan Police Department for their response to the attack on the Capitol
National President Patrick Yoes expressed his gratitude to the men and women of the DC Metropolitan Police Department for their response to the attack on the Capitol
Major General Walker expressing gratitude to the DC National Guard for their response to the attack on the Capitol
National President Patrick Yoes sent the following letter to Major General Walker expressing gratitude to the DC National Guard for their response to the attack on the Capitol