Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, applauded the reintroduction of S. 636, the “Public Safety Officers’ Employer-Employee Cooperation Act” and S. 679, the “LEOSA Reform Act.” […]
S. 666, the “First Responders Wellness Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Senators Gillibrand and Hawley in support of S. 666, the “First Responders Wellness Act.”
H.R. 1556, “Eric’s Law.”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representatives Bresnahan, Thompson, and Reschenthaler in support of H.R. 1556, “Eric’s Law.”
Protect and Serve Act Introduced in House
Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, applauded the reintroduction of H.R. 1551, the “Protect and Serve Act.” The bipartisan bill was introduced by Representatives John H. […]
H.R. 1551, the “Protect and Serve Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representatives Rutherford and Gottheimer in support of H.R. 1551, the “Protect and Serve Act.”
H.R. 1266, the “Combating Illicit Xylazine Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representatives Panetta and Pfluger in support of H.R. 1266, the “Combating Illicit Xylazine Act”
H.R. 621, the “Protecting First Responders from Secondary Exposure Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representatives Joyce and Dean in support of H.R 621, the “Protecting First Responders from Secondary Exposure Act”
H.R. 472, the “Restore VA Accountability Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to leadership of the House Committee on Veteran Affairs asking them to oppose H.R. 472, the “Restore VA Accountability Act.”
Four Officers Killed Over the Past Four Days
Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, was outraged at reports of four officers being shot and killed in the past four days. He called on Congress […]