Repeal The Steal with Representative Garret Graves Representatives Garret N. Graves (R-LA) and Abigail D. Spanberger (D-VA) are united in an effort to […]
S. 4970, the “Female Officers Ballistic Protection Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Senators Ossoff and Cornyn in support of S. 4970, the “Female Officers Ballistic Protection Act.”
Weekly Update: 6 September 2024
FOP Endorses Trump!
Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, announced today that the members of the FOP voted to endorse Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. […]
H. Res 1410, Discharge Petition for the “Social Security Fairness Act.”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to all Members of the U.S. House of Representatives urging them to support a discharge petition on H. Res. 1410.
Take Action: Tell Congress to Repeal the WEP and GPO
Tell Congress to Repeal the WEP and GPO CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION Representatives Garret N. Graves (R-LA) and Abigail D. Spanberger (D-VA) are united in an effort […]
S. 3591, the “Stop Fentanyl at the Border Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Senators Casey and Kelly in support of S. 3591, the “Stop Fentanyl at the Border Act.”
S. 1514, the “HELPER Act”
National President Patrick Yoes and IAFF President Ed Kelly sent a letter to Senators Brown and Scott asking that the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs markup S. 1514, the “Homes for Every Local Protector, Educator, and Responder (HELPER) Act.”
FOP Monthly Update: Shot and Killed
FOP Monthly Update: Officers Shot and Killed The National Fraternal Order of Police regrets to report that as of midnight on 31 August there have been 256 officers shot in […]
The Fight For Fairness with Representative Spanberger
The Fight For Fairness with Representative Spanberger Equality and fairness are some of America’s most cherished ideals. In current Social Security law, over […]