Dr. Dardeen is a former first responder (8 years in EMS) and now a clinical psychologist. She works with first responders to help them understand the toll chronic, longitudinal trauma can have on an individual and works with her departments on regular education, training, and wellness skills to help combat these exposures. She also works with folks after critical incidents, both individually and in groups, to help restore healthy functioning after larger traumatic events. Exposure to trauma is normal, as is the body’s response; however, traumatic symptoms should not remain in a first responder’s life indefinitely. It is not a matter of weakness, but of understanding how trauma impacts our brains and how we can effectively work to mitigate negative effects.
All major insurance plans, HSA, cash pay
Individual therapy, couples therapy, CISD, CBTi, CPT, EMDR, CBT

Phone: (812) 629-4999
Website: suncrestpsychologicalservices.com
Email: drdardeen@suncrestpsychologicalservices.com
Suncrest Psychological Services, LLC1241 Cumberland Avenue
Suite E
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Provider Types
Individual Practice
Inpatient Treatment Center
Wellness Training