Get the latest news from Washington, D.C. Read this week’s FOP Washington Watch: Legislative Update.
H.R. 3172, the “Homes for Every Local Protector, Educator, and Responder (HELPER) Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representatives Waters and McHenry to urge the Committee on Financial Services to consider and favorably report H.R. 3172, the “Homes for Every Local Protector, Educator, and Responder (HELPER) Act”
H.R. 6943, the “Public Safety Officer Support Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representatives Nadler and Jordan to respectfully request that the House Committee on the Judiciary consider and favorably report H.R. 6943, the “Public Safety Officer Support Act.”
Episode 9: There’s a New Sheriff in Town | Congressman John Rutherford
There’s a New Sheriff in Town Featuring Congressman John Rutherford Episode #9 | 12 April 2022 | Watch | Listen | Subscribe On this episode of the Blue View, […]
Weekly Update: 8 April 2022
Get the latest news from Washington, D.C. Read this week’s FOP Washington Watch: Legislative Update.
Letters: H.R. 82, the “Social Security Fairness Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to each of the following representatives asking them to support H.R. 82, the “Social Security Fairness Act.”
Why Biden’s executive order on policing is still up in the air [Washington Post]
Why Biden’s executive order on policing is still up in the air A spike in violent crime and the nation’s divided politics have complicated White House efforts at police reform […]
S. 4003, the “Law Enforcement De-escalation Training Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Senators Cornyn and Whitehouse in support of S. 4003, the “Law Enforcement De-escalation Training Act”
H.R. 7421, the “Law Enforcement Education Grant Program Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representatives Fischbach, Stauber, and Higgins in support of H.R. 7421, the “Law Enforcement Education Grant Program Act”
Episode 8: Charm City Crime Crisis | Clyde Boatwright + Mike Mancuso
Charm City Crime Crisis Featuring Clyde Boatwright + Mike Mancuso Episode #8 | 5 April 2022 | Watch | Listen | Subscribe When On December 16th of last year—in […]