National President Yoes sent the following letter to Speaker Johnson and Representative Jeffries in strong opposition to H.R. 4639, the “Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act.”
S. 3740, the “Supporting Treatment and Recovery Over Narcotics for Growth, Empowerment, and Rehabilitation (STRONGER) Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent the following letter to Senators Cornyn and Whitehouse in support of S. 3740, the “Supporting Treatment and Recovery Over Narcotics for Growth, Empowerment, and Rehabilitation (STRONGER) Act.”
A Memorial Fit For Our Heroes: Honoring Our Fallen Brothers and Sisters with Dignity Memorial
A Memorial Fit For Our Heroes: Honoring Our Fallen Brothers and Sisters with Dignity Memorial On this episode of the Blue View Podcast, […]
Letters: H.R. 734, the “Protect and Serve Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent letters to Representative Scanlon and Boebert, to request that they cosponsor H.R. 734, the “Protect and Serve Act,” in light of recent tragedies occurring in their respective districts.
Letter to Representative Buck to provide perspective on the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas
National President Patrick Yoes sent a letter to Representative Kenneth R. Buck to share his perspective on the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas.
Weekly Update: 2 February 2024
FOP Monthly Update: Officers Shot and Killed
FOP Monthly Update: Officers Shot and Killed The National Fraternal Order of Police reports that as of midnight on 31 January, there have been 32 officers shot in the line […]
S. 3677, Permanently Authorizing the Undetectable Firearms Act
National President Patrick Yoes sent the following letter to Senators Schumer, McConnell, Durbin, and Graham in support of S.3677, which would permanently authorize the Undetectable Firearms Act.
S. 3643, the “Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent the following letter to Senators Grassley, Klobuchar, and Cornyn in support of S. 3643, the “Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act.”