National President Yoes urges the inclusion of the “Anti-Money Laundering Act” into the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021
National FOP President’s Statement on Police Reform Legislative Efforts
The National Fraternal Order of Police has had positive and productive conversations with Democrats and Republicans in both the House and Senate to build a bipartisan consensus on legislation to […]
Law Enforcement Suicide Data Collection Act Signed into Law
Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, thanked President Trump for signing H.R. 3735/S. 2746, the “Law Enforcement Suicide Data Collection Act,” into law on Tuesday. “Law […]
National FOP President Patrick Yoes’ Statement on Prosecutorial Process in Atlanta
The Fulton County District Attorney’s hasty decision to charge former police officer Garrett Rolfe with felony murder raises serious questions of impartiality and fairness. A District Attorney has the responsibility […]
S. 3987, the “Strong Communities Act”
National President Patrick Yoes sent the following letter to Senators Gary Peters and John Cornyn in support of S. 3987, the “Strong Communities Act”
National FOP President Testifies Before Senate Judiciary Committee
Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, testified before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary yesterday at a hearing entitled: “Police Use of Force and Community Relations.” […]
Police Use of Force and Community Relations – Testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary (Response to questions for the record)
National FOP President on Legislation and Executive Orders
In the last few weeks, the Fraternal Order of Police has had numerous positive conversations with the Administration, House Democrats and Republicans, and Members of the Senate. In all of […]
National FOP President Statement on the Justice in Policing Act
The National FOP has completed an initial review of the legislation entitled the “Justice in Policing Act.” We were heartened to see that there were provisions in the bill that […]
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, urging that the NFL and the FOP begin a collaborative effort
National President Patrick Yoes sent the following letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, urging that the NFL and the FOP begin a collaborative effort, which our two organizations had previously agreed to, aimed at lighting a path forward and create a model to build stronger community relationships