Dear Senators Grassley and Klobuchar,
I am writing on behalf of the members of the Fraternal Order of Police to advise you of our support for
S. 180, the “Protecting First Responders from Secondary Exposure Act.”
Law enforcement officers and other emergency responders are at risk of exposure to dangerous
substances, like fentanyl and anthrax, that can cause serious illness or death. Officers can come into
contact with these substances through inhalation, skin contact, ingestion, mucous membrane contact,
or through contact with needles. To make matters worse, it is impossible to know exactly what any
given substance is prior to analysis. These instances of accidental exposure can occur when officers
or other responders are just doing their everyday jobs.
Your bill would allow State and local governments to purchase containment devices through the
existing Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP). In addition,
this legislation would also provide for training on how to properly use these containment devices.
These devices are designed to contain a release and prevent secondary exposure to potentially lethal
substances. These devices help prevent exposure to fentanyl, anthrax, lethal powders, and other
unknown chemical substances that law enforcement officers and other emergency responders
encounter while in the line of duty. Containment devices not only protect heroes from dangerous
exposure but also better preserve these chemical substances and allow for law enforcement agencies
to investigate cases more quickly and safely.
On behalf of the more than 377,000 members of the Fraternal Order of Police, I thank you for your
leadership on this important issue. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me
or Executive Director Jim Pasco in our Washington, D.C. office.
Patrick Yoes
National President