Dear Representatives Barr and Goldman,
I am writing on behalf of the members of the Fraternal Order of Police to advise you of our support for H.R. 1236, the “Chief Herbert D. Proffitt Act.”
Chief Herbert D. Proffitt dedicated 53 years of his life to serving others, holding various law enforcement roles in Kentucky — including Chief of Police for the City of Tompkinsville and Monroe County Sheriff — before retiring in 2009. On August 28, 2012, as Chief Proffitt walked to the mailbox in front of his home, he was shot by a man who had been stalking him for several days. The murderer later stated that he shot Chief Proffitt as retaliation for previous arrests. Although his murder was directly related to his service in uniform, Chief Proffitt’s family was denied benefits under the Public Safety Officers’ Benefit (PSOB) program simply because he had retired.
Your bill would amend the PSOB Program to ensure that Chief Proffitt’s family, and any others in a similar situation, would be eligible to apply for the program’s benefit. Even though Chief Proffitt was long retired by the time he was murdered, there is no doubt that his death was service-connected, as evidenced by his killer’s admission.
On behalf of the more than 377,000 members of the Fraternal Order of Police, I thank you two for your leadership on this important issue. If I can provide any additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me or Executive Director Jim Pasco in our Washington, D.C. office.
Patrick Yoes
National President