Dear Mr. Chairman and Representative Connolly,
I am writing on behalf of the members of the Fraternal Order of Police to advise you of our strong opposition to H.R. 1210, the “Protecting Taxpayers’ Wallets Act,” which the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform may mark up next week.
This bill would take the extraordinary step to require Federal agencies to charge labor organizations quarterly fees for agency time and resources – including, for example, office space and equipment. Agencies would notify labor organizations of the fee amount within 30 days, with payment subsequently due within 60 days of notification. This is an obvious and over the top anti-labor labor measure and not a serious piece of legislation. Will agency managers in charge of labor relations or union negotiations also be charged fees for their office space and equipment?
The “Protecting Taxpayers’ Wallets Act” blatantly undermines the fundamental rights of employees to bargain collectively. It is vital that the men and women on the front lines protecting our communities have a voice in workplace issues—not just wages and benefits—but officer safety issues, mental health and wellness support, and equipment needs. It is unconscionable to charge a fee to the officers that need this voice to ensure they go home safely to their families after their shift. Charging arbitrary fees for these essential resources creates an unnecessary financial burden on our members and would increase their dues with no discernable savings to the American taxpayer, all of whom would be much better served if they knew their officers were being treated fairly and justly in the workplace.
On behalf of the more than 377,000 members of the Fraternal Order of Police, I urge you and the Committee to reject this legislation and its absurd premise that membership in a union in any way compromises the law enforcement mission. If I can provide any additional information about the FOP’s views on this bill, please do not hesitate to contact me or Executive Director Jim Pasco in our Washington, D.C. office.
Patrick Yoes
National President