Social Security Issues
- Support H.R. 82/S. 597, the “Social Security Fairness Act”
The FOP strongly supports legislation to restore full Social Security benefits for law enforcement officers by repealing both the “Windfall Elimination Provision” (WEP) and the “Government Pension Offset” (GPO). - Oppose any legislation that would require the participation of public employees in Social Security
The FOP vehemently opposes any legislation which would mandate participation in Social Security for current or newly hired public employees who participate in their own retirement systems and do not pay into Social Security.
Support H.R. 3539, the “Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act”
The FOP strongly supports legislation to guarantee the right of public safety employees to bargain collectively with their employers over hours, wages and conditions of employment. Such legislation should mandate that State laws provide minimum collective bargaining rights to their public safety employees while prohibiting strikes and lockouts. States with collective bargaining laws already on the books would be exempt from the Federal statute.
Support H.R. 1322/S. 1658 the “Law Enforcement Officers’ Equity Act”
The FOP strongly supports legislation expanding the definition of “law enforcement officer” for salary and retirement benefits to include all Federal law enforcement officers.