Washington, DC - Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, applauded the news that the House Committee on the Judiciary favorably reported H.R. 2243, the “LEOSA Reform Act,” today on a 13-11 vote. The committee also favorably reported H.R. 2240, the “Improving Law Enforcement Officer Safety and Wellness Through Data Act,” on a voice vote, as well as H.R. 2255, the “Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act,” on a 14-9 vote.
“LEOSA reform has been a priority of the FOP for some time now,” Yoes said. “We’re grateful to Representatives Bacon and Cuellar who have been our partners on this issue.”
The “LEOSA Reform Act” amends the existing law, the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA), to provide that officers can carry in the same venues as civilian concealed carry permit holders. The bill also extends the LEOSA exemption to magazine capacity and would allow active and retired law enforcement officers to access services in U.S. Post Offices, Social Security Administration offices, Veterans Affairs offices, and other Federal facilities without disarming or securing their firearms elsewhere.
The “Improving Law Enforcement Officer Safety and Wellness Through Data Act” would expand the data collected by the Federal government on attacks and aggressions against law enforcement officers in a comprehensive way, while the “Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act” would allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons.
“In the last Congress, all three of these bills passed the House,” said Yoes. “We look forward to working with our partners to build on this momentum and get them to the President’s desk.”