Washington, DC - Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, applauded the reintroduction of S. 636, the “Public Safety Officers’ Employer-Employee Cooperation Act” and S. 679, the “LEOSA Reform Act.” These bills were reintroduced by Senator John W. Hickenlooper (D-CO) and Senator John N. Kennedy (R-LA), respectively.
The “Public Safety Officers’ Employer-Employee Cooperation Act,” is one of the top legislative priorities of the FOP. The bill would finally provide recognition of the right of public safety employees to bargain collectively for improved working conditions. More specifically, the legislation would empower the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) to govern the labor-management relationship in those cases where State laws are not in substantial compliance with the bill’s basic, minimal requirements. This bill specifically prohibits strikes and lockouts and would not change any State’s existing right-to-work laws or undermine existing State collective bargaining laws. The House introduced its version, H.R. 1505, last week.
Another FOP priority is the “LEOSA Reform Act,” which would make minor but important changes to the existing Law Enforcement Officers’ Safety Act (LEOSA) statute to improve the safety of our nation’s qualified active and retired law enforcement. It amends existing law to ensure that officers can carry in the same venues as civilian concealed carry permit holders. It further extends the exemption to magazine capacity and would allow active and retired law enforcement officers to access services in U.S. Post Offices, Social Security Administration offices, Veterans Affairs offices, and other Federal facilities without disarming or securing their firearms elsewhere. The House has not yet introduced its version of the bill.
“We applaud these Senators for leading the charge on these important pieces of legislation. Year after year, these bills have remained a top priority for our members and the law enforcement field as a whole,” Yoes said. “We look forward to working alongside them to help ensure their swift passage in the 119th Congress.”