FOP and IAFF to Join Together for DC Grassroots Event Featuring the Nation’s Two Largest Public Safety Organizations
Welcome to a “Day on the Hill” on 4-6 March in Washington, D.C.
For the first time, the nation’s oldest and largest organization of law enforcement officers—the Fraternal Order of Police—will be joining forces with the nation’s oldest and largest union of professional firefighters—the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF).
Rank-and-file law enforcement officers and firefighters will come together in our Nation’s capital to highlight the important issues facing our public safety organizations. We will be talking about the challenges and the needs of our memberships including recognizing the right of public safety officers to collectively bargain, protecting due process for officers and firefighters, and repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO)!
This FOP-IAFF Day on the Hill event is a unique opportunity for our members and theirs to have face-to-face interactions with the Members of Congress that represent YOU in the nation’s capital. We need to make sure that YOUR Senators and Representatives understand OUR priorities—the “Social Security Fairness Act,” the “Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act,” and the “HELPERS Act.” We will also focus on the issues important to FOP members like the “Protect and Serve Act,” and support for local and State law enforcement fighting the national epidemic of violent crime.
On Tuesday, 5 March, the FOP-IAFF will hold a rally on the Capitol grounds to call on Congress for immediate action on H.R. 82/S. 597, the “Social Security Fairness Act,” to repeal the WEP and GPO.
Our future success and our legislative agenda depend on our ability to motivate and mobilize our grassroots to make sure our message gets through—which will get increasingly more difficult as we get closer and closer to the election. Participation in this event is just a part—but an important part—of the FOP’s advocacy strategy. We need our members to build, strengthen, and sustain their relationships with their Senators and Representatives. Members of Congress need to know that FOP and IAFF members are active voters who will hold them accountable and expect their support on the issues important to our respective rank-and-file.
The National FOP will be organizing a block of rooms at a special rate for these dates. Be sure to register today by clicking the link below and check back for information.